Real American Heroes

Charles H. Brush Jr.’s Silver Star citation

The President of the United States takes pleasure in presenting the SILVER STAR MEDAL to


for service as set forth in the following


“For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity in action as a Commanding Officer of Company A, First Battalion, First Marines, First Marines Division, during engagements against enemy Japanese forces in the vicinity of Taivu, Guadalcana, Solomon Islands, on August 19, 1942, and in the Tenaru Sector on August 21, 1942.Leading his patrol toward the village of Taivu, Captain Brush, suddenly encountering a group of Japanese, brilliantly directed the ensuing fight which resulted in overwhelming defeat for the enemy, while his own losses were extremely small. From documents found on the bodies of four Japanese officers killed during the battle, and material carried by the patrol, Captain Brush gained valuable information about the enemy’s presence, strength and intentions. Two days later, while counterattacking in the face of heavy machine gun and mortar fire, he directed his company with such courageous initiative that the entire enemy force was either killed or captured. By his able and distinguished leadership he contributed immeasurably to the success of the engagements.”

For the President,
Frank Knox
Secretary of the Navy.

Born: Montclair, N.J…. Home of record: Montclair, N.J.

Click here for more U.S. Marine Corps recipients of the Silver Star during World War II

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